
[MARCH 25] Far Better

Read: Revelation 21:1-4

"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying."
--Revelation 21:4

Having suffered greatly--first from cancer, and then from the grueling medical regimen--pastor Dan Cummings was tired. After 2 weeks of treatment in Texas, he was looking forward to going back home to Michigan. In a post on his blog, he wrote: "Today is far better...amazing what some hydration will do...Will fly home on the weekend to continue treatment at home."

Dan did return to Michigan, nut several days later, his journey on earth ended. He went home yo be with God--whom he loved with every bit of his weakened body but mighty spirit.

When I view his blog a few days later, his words "Today is far better" jumped out at me. I smiled through my tears in the knowledge that Dan was now experiencing a life that is truly "far better" (Phil.1:23).

Someday we who claim the name of Jesus will also go to that place where there is "no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." It is a place where there is no more pain and where a loving Father promises to "wipe away every tear from [our] eyes" (Rev.21:4).

The life we have here isn't all there is. There is a far far better place that Jesus is preparing for those who love Him (John 14:2-3). --Cindy Hess Kasper

When our life on earth has ended
We will feel God's warm embrace;
There will be no pain and sorrow
In that far, far better place. --Sper

Heaven--no pain, no night, no death, no tears.

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