
[MARCH 18] Who are You?

Read: Matthew 4:18-25

"Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
--Matthew 4:19

If someone were to ask, "Who are you?" my guess is that you would tell a little thing about yourself and what you do--"I'm an electrician" or "I'm a nurse." But that's not really who your are--it's what you do. Which leads to the question, If what you do is who you are, who will you be when you stop doing what you're doing?!

Who you are is found in your relationship to Jesus. And this sense of identity will drive your behavior. Take Matthew, for example. As a tax collector during the reign of the Roman empire, his life was driven with greed. But everything changed the day Jesus showed up and invited Matthew to follow Him (Matt. 9:9). Suddenly Matthew had a whole new identity as a follower of Christ! And he wasn't the only one. we also read about the fishermen in Matthew 4:18-25, Peter, Andrew, James, and John, who left their nets to follow Him.

Jesus is a compelling Person, and He is still looking for followers. He wants to make something of your life by giving you the indetity of a follower of Jesus. It doesn't mean giving up your career, but it does mean that you will do your work--and all of life--according to His will and ways.

So next time someone asks, "Who are you?" I hope you'll answer, "I'm a follower of Jesus"! --Joe Stowell

Lord, as I follow You by faith,
Help me each day to learn
That pleasing You in all I do
Must be my main concern. --Fitzhugh

If you are a follower of Jesus, that's all the identity you need.

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