
[JANUARY 3] Widening your Perspective

Read: Matthew 28:16-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" 
--Matthew 28:19

A missionary and I were invited to lunch with David, a man in his late seventies who generously supported the missionary’s ministry. David was not able to visit the missionary’s country, but as he gave thanks for the food, he prayed with complete ease for the people, places, and situations there. Having prayed regularly for that ministry, he had no trouble mentioning specifics. David had a perspective on missions that extended beyond his own country of Singapore.

Our Lord Jesus commanded us to have a worldwide perspective on missions. When He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20), He was not asking us to buy an around-the-world ticket to do His bidding. We may not have the opportunity to travel much beyond our own birthplace, but we can be involved with what’s going on in the world without leaving our hometown.

But how? Is there an international student living near you? A family from another country who is trying to cope with life in a new country? Or just a lonely person whom you can cheer up? Sharing Jesus’ love with them is your way of crossing the oceans with the gospel. -- C.P. Hia

A Prayer: Lord, widen my world. 
I want to be a part of the work You are doing. 
Give me eyes to see as You see, hands to serve others, 
and a heart to share Your gospel. Amen.

If you look through the eyes of Jesus, you’ll see a needy world.

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